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  • lrvar.zip This code performs likelihood ratio test (LRT) for VAR model to determine optimal lag length, constant term is automatically included. Test is performed on contiguous lags, thus DOF=neqn^2*1. Guido Travaglini, 06.15.2011
  • Unsupervised-optimal-FCM.zip Fuzz c-mean Clusterin technique
  • A.Sofien.rar ... . La resultat de ce programme est un chier de type LP contient la forme lineaire de notre probleme Binpacking. Ensuite a l aide d un outils d optimization qui est le pro- gramme d opimization CPLEX, on va essayer de genere une resultat optimal.
  • t6u3vw.ZIP 按机构压力角大小最优设计牛头刨床According to mechanical pressure angle optimal design of shaper
  • Optimal-design-of-tourist-routes.rar 网络病毒的传播,可以得出病毒在不同网络下在用户之间是怎么传播的
  • xy7z.ZIP 不同超混沌系统的最优同步Synchronization of different optimal synchronization
  • A-Low-Cost-Multi-standard-Near-Optimal-Soft-Outpu low cost design for sphere decoding
  • Risk-and-Asset-Allocation.rar Risk and Asset Allocation by Attilio Meucci Detecting invariance Estimating the market Modeling the market Defi ning optimality Computing the optimal allocation Accounting for estimation risk Including experience
  • optimal.zip 最优化问题的相关算法,可供参考,matlab
  • t6u3vw.ZIP 直线电机伺服定位系统时间最优鲁棒控制Linear motor servo positioning system time optimal robust control