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  • USN.zip 仿生六足机器人图像采集卡USB驱动技术Biomimetic hexapod robot image acquisition card USB Drive Technology
  • FastMarching_version3b.zip fast Marching for robot path planing, obstacles, online, consider the robot capabilities, 2D, realtime, very nice
  • RoPPlaH-v1.1.zip PSO robot path planning, take consideration of the capabilities of the robot, grid based, 2D, intelligent, real-time fast
  • standard_pso_2007.zip toolboxfastmarching2011 robot path planning, take consideration of the capabilities of the robot, grid based, 2D, intelligent, real-time fast
  • standard_pso_2011_c.zip PSO robot path planning, take consideration of the capabilities of the robot, grid based, 2D, intelligent, real-time fast
  • alg.ps.gz PSO2010 robot path planning, take consideration of the capabilities of the robot, grid based, 2D, intelligent, real-time fast
  • MicaelSCouceiro_ControlOptimization_EWOMS2009.rar optimization in robotic with example of bird robot
  • G52GRP-Interim-ReportFINAL.zip G52GRP – Robot Football Team Strategy Development 机器人足球 策略
  • RationalRobotguide.rar Rational Robot培训资料,可以作为Rational Robot的入门资料
  • ctrlrobot.rar control a Pioneer PeopleBot Robot with player/stage