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  • Adaptive+surface+inspection+via+interactive+evolut ... achieve the required goals without any need for specialised knowledge of the machine vision system. We show that the resulting segmentation can be quickly and easily evolved from scratch, and achieves detection rates comparable to those of a hand-tuned ...
  • wwwclusing.rar In this paper, we propose a hierarchical clustering method using visual, textual and link analysis. By using a vision-based page segmentation algorithm, a web page is partitioned into blocks, and the textual and link information of an image can be ...
  • Image-segmentation-Extraction.rar 小波变换的源代码应用,使用MATLAB编程的,简单的
  • Paper1.rar The paper describe Segmentation and Recognition of Handwritten Numeric Chains
  • Segmentation.rar 这个方法有两个好处。 ( a )虽然只是一个半径差逼近,很容易找到最高在一个小蓄电池,因为通过降低 隐平滑做的蓄电池。( b )在同一时间处理时间搜索减少
  • LicensePlateRecognition.rar License Plate Recognition by neural network and colour + carplate segmentation, [software describtion attached]
  • parwshed.rar Watershed Algorithm for Image segmentation
  • Segmentation1.rar 这是我通过代理在IEEE下载的Segmentation的文章,我之所以上传这个是因为有很多图像处理人员并不能到IEEE下载该资源
  • Baseball_Playfield_Segmentation_Using_Adaptive_Ga a document about "Baseball Playfield Segmentation Using Adaptive Gaussian Mixture Models"
  • Kmean.zip kmean algorithm for image segmentation