simple prototype racing in ant form, simulate top down movement
This application is designed to simulate the operation of the bank s job, has a lot of features, adding users, defining transfers, simulating the action, charging rates and much more. The application was made using libraries Swing and Awt.
These programs simulate a FIR digital filter, besides giving a proof of it
A matlab code to simulate the fading channel with raleigh distribution. The code can be used with different number of path.
FFT vhdl generic: I m new to vhdl, and I tried to use xilinx fft core, but when I try to simulate it in test bench using ise simulator, I get zero results.
here is what I do:
1- from core generator I choose fft core and create .vhd & .vho & .xco ...
... which provide an event-driven simulation kernel in C++ (see also discrete event simulation). SystemC makes it possible to simulate concurrent processes, each described using plain C++ syntax. SystemC processes can communicate in a simulated real-time ...
By Nicolai Eduard Gancerenco. This component simulate a water reflection - alike Java applet. After a lots of tests, author fixed the maximum dimensions for image at 320x240, all for the biggest quality and real time effect - DirectX.
how to use flash to simulate EEPROM with freescale DSC 8025