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  • PIDwithDelaypart.rar PID control system with delay part, simulate in matlap
  • rossler.rar It is a code to simulate two Rossler oscilators, unidirectionally coupled and sincronized
  • Smoke.rar This is a C++ program using particle system to simulate the spread of smoke
  • analoge_high_pass.rar ... transformation analogue filters to digital ones in highpass and bandpass and lowpass formats,here are 6 M-files that simulate a third order butterworth filter analyizing impulse response(time domain) and frequency analysis of analogue and transformed ...
  • analogue_bandpass.rar ... transformation analogue filters to digital ones in highpass and bandpass and lowpass formats,here are 6 M-files that simulate a third order butterworth filter analyizing impulse response(time domain) and frequency analysis of analogue and transformed ...
  • Analogue_low_pass.rar ... transformation analogue filters to digital ones in highpass and bandpass and lowpass formats,here are 6 M-files that simulate a third order butterworth filter analyizing impulse response(time domain) and frequency analysis of analogue and transformed ...
  • transformed_digital_highpass.rar ... transformation analogue filters to digital ones in highpass and bandpass and lowpass formats,here are 6 M-files that simulate a third order butterworth filter analyizing impulse response(time domain) and frequency analysis of analogue and transformed ...
  • transformed_digital_bandpass.rar ... transformation analogue filters to digital ones in highpass and bandpass and lowpass formats,here are 6 M-files that simulate a third order butterworth filter analyizing impulse response(time domain) and frequency analysis of analogue and transformed ...
  • transformed_digital_lowpass.rar ... transformation analogue filters to digital ones in highpass and bandpass and lowpass formats,here are 6 M-files that simulate a third order butterworth filter analyizing impulse response(time domain) and frequency analysis of analogue and transformed ...
  • TH_BPPM_UWB.rar TH-BPPM UWB using matlab to simulate