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  • beadando1.rar This program simulate gravitation. There is a ball, what moves like the gravitation center is the mouse.
  • ofdmci.rar Simulation program to realize OFDM transmission system Simulate effect of interfarence noise
  • tora.zip tcl file to simulate tora protocol in ns2
  • dsr.zip tcl script to simulate dsr in ns2
  • dsdv.zip tcl script to simulate dsdv in ns2
  • radt.rar ... called the Kalman Filter. The resulting track data was used, in conjunction with algebraic and trigonometric methods, to simulate target interception and collision prevention. Our system led an interceptor aircraft to its target and warned pilots of a ...
  • digital.zip Digital Communication System - Various routines that simulate or compute aspects of digital communication systems
  • ofdmRK777.rar This simulation simulate wireless Coded OFDM over mobile multipath fading channel. The model use QPSK, Reed-Solomon Channel Coding, and training based channel estimation.
  • Simulate.rar 过程器,利用它可以把一些琐碎的鼠标和键盘操作进行批处理。
  • pi.rar simulate pi,random simulation to get the estimation of PI