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  • sndkey32.rar Component to simulate a digitation of sequence of key
  • softuart_gittins_avr.rar softuart of Gittin simulate uart on any pin
  • fm_mod_demod.rar Simulate simple FM modulation and demodulation
  • genLDPC.zip used to simulate a ldpc codes
  • boostconverter.zip its matlab file to simulate boost converter
  • Metodo_Simplex.zip this program simulate the method simplex for math
  • simplex.rar this program simulate the method simplex for math
  • MonteCarlo.zip ... spaths will be used for pricing an asian option - the 3rd Demo,in myMC (run MonteCarlo.m) , show how to simulate some corelated asset paths - The 4th demo, (run VanillaPricingUsingDifferentMethods.m in the VarReduction folder) , wil compare th results ...
  • GravityBall.rar a ball with gravity simulate gravity an c# width gdi+
  • script.rar This script can train and simulate the neural network by using built function in matlab