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  • 模拟二级文件系统.rar 用C语言编写程序,模拟二级目录的文件系统 建立一个模拟文件系统,能实现建立、打开、删除、关闭、复制、读、写、查询等功能
  • Ex4_Timer.rar ... Unit 6. You program will consists three classes: Timer, Display and TestTimer. Timer will use Display class to create two objects: hours and minutes. TestTimer should create an object of class Timer and simulate work of the digital timer for 10 minutes.
  • 模拟自然选择.rar 一个小游戏,模拟自然选择的过程,比较有趣。
  • D__Documen504181222002.zip 模拟操作系统运行的源代码 Description: The object of this project is to write a C++ application to simulate the scheduler of a simple operating system.新手看linux源代码太困难,这个可是个不错的选择哦....不下可惜
  • paging11.rar this code is a simulator to simulate the paging system such as first come first service. the comment in this code can help you to run it.
  • reed-solomon.rar Simulate, by using c++ ,a communication system consists of binary source, RS(7,3,5)/RS(128,122,7) encoder, BPSK modulator, AWGN channel, coherent demodulator, RS(7,3,5)/RS(128,122,7) BM decoder and sink。
  • Golay-new.rar Simulate, by using c/c++,a communication system consists of binary source, Golay(24,12,8) encoder, BPSK modulator, AWGN channel, coherent demodulator, Golay (24,12,8)decoder and sink.
  • simulator-codered-100run.rar used to simulate CodeRed v2 worm,result as scan traffic!
  • Simulate.rar 自己写的,希望大家多提意见啊,我还在努力.希望将来有作为
  • OFDMTransmissionandReception.rar The provided Matlab code to simulate the basic processing involved in the generation and reception of an OFDM signal in a physical channel and to provide a description of each of the steps involved.