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  • stepnc_write_v1_1.zip ... Java AP-238 Toolpath Viewer. For more sophisticated applications, we encourage you to look at our commercial product, the STEP-NC Explorer which can display workpiece, fixture, and tool geometry as well as the paths, simulate their operation and convert
  • Sys-simulate.rar 模拟先来先服务作业调度 模拟最短作业优先作业调度 模拟响应比高者优先作业调度
  • smoke32.tar.gz smoke simulate, 32*32*32grid
  • ofdm_gitosimulink.rar This simulation simulates coded OFDM using RS Code over wireless channel This simulation simulate wireless Coded OFDM over mobile multipath fading channel. The model use QPSK, Reed-Solomon Channel Coding, and training based channel estimation
  • bt-simulate.rar 这是一个bt客户端界面的模仿程序,其中用到了窗口分割,树状列表的重载
  • FMT_AWGN_BSE_DFE_SER.rar This file is used to simulate performance of the FMT system with different modulation method in baseband。(该程序主要实现FMT系统差分编码下基带误码率分析!)
  • waxtop.rar WAXTOP Simulate and plot a random network topology by the method
  • metabolic_network_toolbox.rar %The Metabolic Networks Toolbox contains functions to create, %modify, display, and simulate biochemical reaction networks.
  • ModelbasedPredictiveControl.zip Easily editable files to simulate three MIMO predictive control algorithms. These files are intended as a support to this book to enable students to investigate predictive control algorithms from the formulation of the prediction equations right ...
  • MyMessenger.rar * This a simple tool to send/receive UDP packet based on a * free software developed by Neil Deason. * The purpose of program is to simulate a remote MGC So that the * SIP Message debugging/testing is possible.