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  • simulate-dpsk8.rar 本例用matlab语言实现了8dpsk的编解码及通过awgn信道的仿真。采用蒙特卡罗仿真法,得到误码性能,绘制曲线。可用于算法研究或课程学习。
  • procedul--simulate.rar 是关于CPU进程调度的模拟程序,可以实现三种算法的进程调度:先来先服务,短进程优先,最高优先级。是操作系统的大作业。
  • BPSK_Simulation_for_AWGN_Rayleigh_Channels.rar BPSK SYSTEM SIMULATION We simulate the generation of random variables r0 and r1, which constitutes the input to detector.The detector output is compared with the binary transmitted sequence and an error counter is used to count the number of bit errors. ...
  • DDEMdbus.rar vb编写的DDE程序。一台电脑上运行两个modbus simulate,然后进行数据交换。
  • Smart_AntennaB.rar This Program Is Designed To Simulate A Spatial Antenna Array System Working On The MUSIC Algorithm For The Angle Of Arrival Estimation And Null Steering Algorithm For The Weights Estimation To The Required Output Radiation Pattern .
  • amp_distort.rar Matlab simulate AMP.It covers that the source code and how to compile it
  • antnet-4.0-src.zip use swarm intelligence to simulate network routings in omnet
  • digital_modanddemod.zip Various routines that simulate or compute aspects of digital communication systems
  • r_fading.rar Program to simulate Rayleigh fading using a p-th order autoregressive model AR(p) according to % Baddour s work: "Autoregressive modeling for fading channel simulation"
  • VHDL_lfsr_code.rar The objective of this projectis to design, model and simulate an autocorrelation generator circuit using 4-bit LFSR. the register and LFSR will used D flip-flop and some gates. By the autocorrelation concept, there should be 2 same length vectors, for ...