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  • 20091142253160729.rar 基于单片机的IC卡智能水表源代码MCU-based smart card water meter IC source code
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  • Sen-Accel---MMA8452Q.rar THE MMA8452Q is a smart low-power, three axis capacitive mcromachined accelerometer with 12 bits resolution.
  • matlab3g.zip WCDMA Simulator with Smart Antennas Thesis submitted for the fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering, Espoo 18 November, 2001
  • more-effective.zip ... 续集」。条款变得比较少,页数倒是多了一些,原因是这次选材比「第一集」更高阶,尤其是第五章。Meyers 将此章命名为技术(Techniques),并明白告诉你,其中都是一些 patterns,例如 virtual ctors、smart pointers、reference counting、proxy classes,double dispatching┅等等。这一章的每个条款篇幅都在 15~30 页之谱,实在让人有「山穷水尽疑无路,柳暗花明又一村」之叹。虽然出版年代稍嫌久远,本书并没有第二版,原因是当 ...
  • BTP-Part-I-Report.zip btech project report on implementation of smart antenna algorithms
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  • mart.zip CAN总线智能适配卡的软硬件设计CAN-bus adapter card hardware and software design Smart
  • smartbo.zip SMART后台数据提供程序,供客户端开发和测试使用,用Python语言和Django框架