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  • Smart-PS.rar 今天,新技术使电源设计人员能够实现数字环控制,方便地加入新功能并完成特定的设计,
  • switch_avr32.rar Very low cost smart switch design. single atmega32 chip turns any RTL8309 based network switch into managed switch with all options supported by RTL chip. Switch can be accessed by telnet or com port.
  • N--Dinesh.zip Provides idea to put up smart CV for competitive world
  • Smart_STM32_Schematic.rar Smart STM32 Schematic
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  • Design-of-Smart-Home-Security-System.rar GPRS通信技术实现了多方式遥控设防撤防,解决了主控制器操作 的实时记录问题,为事后分清责任提供了技术保障。现场调试结果表明,系统操作简便灵活,有效地实现了对室内环境信 息(如温度、湿度)的实时监控、险情检测(如火警、被盗、可燃气体泄漏及水泄漏)、多方式遥控设防撤防、远程监控和报警 以及操作数据实时记录等功能,提高了家庭安防报警的可靠性。
  • CMOS-Digital-Isolators-Provide-Data-Protection_WP ... years as consumers upgrade from traditional electromechanical meters. Smart meters use the latest integrated circuit (IC) technology ... and report the amount of power consumed. Although smart meters are more sophisticated than electromechanical power meters ...
  • ExpressDBTreeView.rar ... a series of powerful and easy-to-use tree controls for the display of recursive data in an application. Features such as smart-record loading improve the performance and flexibility of the control to a point that these structures no longer have an ...
  • Smart-Thermostat.rar 基于c51单片机关于智能温度控制器的设计,有完整的工程项目和proteus仿真
  • HelpIntigration.zip This article is helpful for Windows Mobile, Smart Device application developers, regarding how to integrate help files programmatically to a targeted device. To develop help files, we have to follow some steps which I have described below.