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  • supermarket supermarket管理系统,实用性非常强
  • 控制台版supermarket 自己做的一款supermarket
  • supermarket 本人自己制作的一个小的supermarket,当然里面不是很完善
  • POJ---1456.Supermarket测试数据及答案 POJ---1456.Supermarket测试数据及答案,题目描述:A supermarket has a set Prod of products on sale. It earns a profit px for each product x∈Prod sold by a deadline dx that is measured as an integral number of time units starting from the moment the sale begins. Each ...
  • Java之supermarket项目的数据库代码 Java之supermarket项目的数据库代码,一个关于超市的简单代码
  • supermarket.zip超市收银系统+SSM+MYSQL+idea 下载资源包解压后将smbms.sql文件打开进入MySQL运行,然后将supermarket导入idea中配置好资源或者下载好jar后就可以了。
  • SuperMarket-master (3).zip SuperMarket-master (3).zip
  • supermarket.sql supermarket.sql
  • scala-supermarket-pricing ... http://codekata.pragprog.com/2007/01/kata_nine_back_.html Back to the supermarket. This week, we’ll implement the code for a checkout ... we thought about how to model the various options for supermarket pricing. We looked at things such as "three for a ...
  • supermarket ruby bindings for the android market api # Supermarket This is a thin JRuby wrapper for the [Android Market ... session.comments("com.example.my.project").to_xml ## Installation $ gem install supermarket You will need to provide your Google market ...