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  • node-supermarket ... simple to use, first import the module: var Store = require('supermarket'); Then create a new instance of Store, passing in ... | The following docs are outdated as we just moved supermarket to node-lazy! '-----------' It also has .filter function that ...
  • supermarket-cart ... ); }); }) ); server.listen(9005); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Have fun storing sessions in a supermarket cart! Sincerely, Peteris Krumins http://www.catonmat.net
  • code-kata-supermarket Coding kata with supermarket pricing modelling code-kata-supermarket My implementation of a code kata exercise found on: http://codekata.pragprog.com/2007/01/code_kata_one_s.html --- Git notes git add git commit -a -m "message" git push origin ...
  • supermarket-pricing My implementation of the supermarket pricing kata, using both rspec and cucumber. Basically using this as an example to prove to myself that I prefer the cucumber syntax over rspec. == Welcome to Rails Rails is a web-application framework that includes ...
  • Supermarket-pricing-kata Pragdave's supermarket pricing kata in ruby
  • supermarket-simulator ... to compute the average wait time of customers in a supermarket. # SupermarketSimulator ## Introduction This is a simulator for computing wait ... with a single register that takes all customers. 2. A supermarket with 4 registers, each with its own line. 3. ...
  • Supermarket-Pricing ... Exercise ------------------------- This project contains one possible solution to the Supermarket Coding Exercise. The goal of this project is ... y free, additional tax, sale prices, etc) for a supermarket chain. New pricing schemes may be introduced over ...
  • Supermarket Supermarket Supermarket =========== Supermarket
  • Supermarket-Application This is a basic supermarket application for demonstration purposes. It simulates an online supermarket, adding products to carts, checking out, etc
  • supermarket supermarket supermarket =========== supermarket