... textures, known as the moir?pattern . This happens because when the texture is far enough away, there are more texels (texture pixels) then there are pixels to be rendered on the screen. This means that some texels get skipped over, ...
Graph Cutshi是最近在计算机视觉中研究和应用比较多的优化算法,典型的用于stereo matching, image restortion, texture synthesis等应用,以上代码给出了graph cut,mean shift, 以及相关的ppm/pgm图像借口,本来是用于stereo matching的,已经把相关的matching的实现代码给去掉了。大家可以以此为平台做一些相关的研究和应用。
(Digital Image Processing)又称为计算机图像处理,它是指将图像信号转换成数字信号并利用计算机对其进行处理的过程。
... new methods called, setSphere and getSphere. Additionally, the node implements its own custom cull records, which allows the texture coordinates of a vrSphere to be scaled via a texture matrix with two other methods called, setTextureScalingFactor and ...