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  • libpcap-0.8.1.tar.gz libpcap is a system-independent interface for user-level packet capture. libpcap provides a portable framework for low-level network monitoring. Applications include network statistics collection, security monitoring, network debugging, etc.
  • XMLGUI_src.zip Library XMLGUI gives a possibility to develop GUI applications that allow a user to customize the GUI layout.
  • MessageBoxTimeout API.zip For reasons unknown, Microsoft has never documented the MessageBoxTimeout API located in user32.dll so here it is for those seeking a Message Box that times out and auto closes if the user does not respond to it first.
  • MyICQ.rar ... combination of the web, chat, IM, and voice communication. It is not just a graphical user interface (GUI), but an immersive user interface (IUI). This project will develop the clients and content used in the interverse Interverse 是Web,聊天 ...
  • resize.zip Suppose you wanted to give the user the ability to modify the size and position on a certain control? This example shows how to implement resizing controls on a dialog box as it is done when drawing controls on a dialog template or visual basic at design ...
  • frsx.rar 1. 将makpass.php文件的root_pass修改成你自己的登陆密码,同时修改$user成只有你自己知道的目录名称。 将data目录里的user目录修改成和上面$user目录一样的名字。 2. 设置一下属性,把data目录和data下的文件和文件夹设置755或777,和config.php设置755或777。
  • kphone-4.0.2.tar.gz KPhone is a SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) user agent for Linux, with which you can initiate VoIP (Voice over IP) connections over the Internet. KPhone requires KDE (K Desktop Environment) or at least various libraries from the KDE package. KPhone also ...
  • Pablo_ftpserver.zip ... is a multi threaded FTP server for Windows 98/NT/XP. It comes with an easy to use interface and can be accessed from the system tray. The server handles all basic FTP commands and offers easy user account management and support for virtual directories.
  • TapiComm.rar ... TapiComm sample uses both the Telephony API and the Win32 Communications API to demonstrate one way to implement a very simple TTY application. While the user interface and TTY emulation are very rudimentary, the TAPI and comm modules are fairly complete.
  • A Simple Finite State Machine.zip This program can determin very accurately the nature of the user input