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  • Code&EXE.rar 简单的考试管理系统程序的数据库是用的ODBC Acess驱动的数据源,使用前要在系统中添加4个系统数据源.下面以添加user数据源为例说明一下添加方法:控制面板-->管理工具-->数据源ODBC选择
  • 典型网络数据库系统软件设计.rar 本系统为内部系统,帐户由管理员添加、管理; 分为两个组,User组和Boss组。Boss组的帐户可以发广播通知; 任意两个用户间可以互相通信; 数据库接口用DAO,网络通信用 CSocket+CSocketFile;
  • SNMPingSrc.zip SNMPing is a tool that scans a TCP/IP network for devices running an SNMPdaemon on port 161 (or a user specified port).
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  • ReadOnlyComboBox_demo.zip ... true, you can t edit the text in the TextBox anymore. The user can still select the text and copy it to another place. The background of the TextBox is painted gray so the user has a visual indication of the ReadOnly mode. The text is still ...
  • bcxy.rar ... 类: 1.DBConn.java:主要用来连接和关闭数据库.连接数据库的URL,USER,PASSWORD通过配置文件完成com/bcxy/util/systemconfig.properties 2.SqlQuery.java:主要用 ...
  • 仿榕树下文章系统春节版.zip 榕树下文章系统春节版 1. 将makpass.php文件的root_pass修改成你自己的登陆密码,同时修改$user成只有你自己知道的目录名称。 将data目录里的user目录修改成和上面$user目录一样的名字。 2. 设置一下属性,把data目录和data下的文件和文件夹设置755或777,和config.php设置755或777。
  • ActiveResizerOCX.rar The ActiveResizer is a VB 32bit ActiveX OCX that automatically adjust the size ofVB controls and fonts on the form. As a user stretches or shrinks the form, the controlson the VB form will also stretch or shrink, accordingly.
  • ActiveResizerDLL.rar The ActiveResizer is a VB 32bit ActiveX DLL that automatically adjust the size ofVB controls and fonts on the form. As a user stretches or shrinks the form, the controlson the VB form will also stretch or shrink, accordingly.