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  • frstwz.rar 仿榕树下文章系统春节版 1. 将makpass.php文件的root_pass修改成你自己的登陆密码,同时修改$user成只有你自己知道的目录名称。 将data目录里的user目录修改成和上面$user目录一样的名字。 2. 设置一下属性,把data目录和data下的文件和文件夹设置755或777,和config.php设置755或777。
  • 如何在用户区显示一张位图(200505).rar 一个简单的使用例子 :如何在用户区显示一张位图
  • neti-2.0.tar.gz ... operating systems, with testing for other operating systems to be completed soon. NETI@home is designed to run on end-user machines and will collect various statistics about Internet performance. These statistics will then be sent to a server at the ...
  • 用户自定义填充.rar 用户自定义填充,通过图像刷子的机制实现。可用于地质岩性符号填充等多种用途。
  • mobileVirProxy.zip 在J2ME中实现虚拟代理,然后过滤user-agent ,用于突破广东移动等的cmwap限制 使用方法,启动后将相应软件(如Opera)的代理设成localhost 8080,即可
  • phoenix1.3.tar.gz Phoenix is a speaker dependent (user trained) connected word recognition system. Phoenix is designed as a real-time recognition system in that recogniton takes place in parallel to utterance input and partial results are available before the end of ...
  • coloc3D.zip Description: This script allows the user to load 3-D TIFF images, such as those derived from confocal or 2-photon microscopy, into the MATLAB workspace for analysis of colocalization between two images in 3-D. It includes a function <getstacks> that ...
  • Affine Transformation02.rar The transformation parameters are specified by the user by editing the values of the rotation, scale (x and y), and shear (x and y). The translation is not icluded because it can be easily (normalized or) removed from the image by subtracting the shape ...
  • MailMonitor-20050913-src.zip A simple mail monitor program ,when new mail arrive ,prompt amessage window to notify user. (need mail server support imap)
  • pittnet神经网络源代码.rar The purpose of this computer program is to allow the user to construct, train and test differenttypes of artificial neural ... . Utilizing dynamic binding and memory allocationafforded by C++, the user can choose to develop four separate types of neural ...