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  • CRMS.rar ... 客户 合同管理 用户管理 日志管理 DB_51aspx下为数据库文件,附加后请修改data.cs中的Sql连接字符串并编译(默认:Data Source=(local) Initial Catalog=CRMS User ID=sa Pwd=sa) 默认管理帐号/密码:admin/51aspx,测试帐号/密码:test/51aspx 密码采用SHA1加密 注意:该项目为VS2003转换到VS2005
  • C04.rar ... 、实时浏览发言、注销身份等。 \MyChatRoom\App_Code\BusinessLogicLayer 聊天室业务逻辑层,包括以下文件: \Message.cs 用户留言类 \User.cs 用户类 \MyChatRoom\App_Code\DataAccessLayer 聊天室数据访问层,包括以下文件: \Database.cs 数据访问类 \MyChatRoom\DB\MyChatRoom.sql 聊天 ...
  • Addison.Wesley.Professional.SWT.The.Standard.Widge Addison.Wesley.Professional.SWT.The.Standard.Widget.Toolkit.Volume.1.Jun.2004.eBook-DDU是本非常不错的一本讲解Eclipse的The Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT) is a new class library for creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs) in Java
  • kcf_crypt_test.zip It is an experimental testing for python M2Crypto module. M2Crypto is not well document. User may not know how to use SHA256 when signing and verify with RSA. It also have not enough document to show how to use DES to encrypt and decrypt. Here also ...
  • LPC2468_OEM_Board_Users_Guide-Version_1.2_Rev_A.pd The LPC2468 OEM quick start board user guide provide information for starting ARM LPC2468 quick development.It contains 128M Nand flash, 4 M Nor flash and 32M RAM, VGA LCD and TOUCH SCREEN. Includes complete sources code for UCLINUX development.
  • StaticList.zip ... programs do not modify the data. For example, we can insert the list of the 50 US state names into a combobox so that the user can select his/her state using a mouse. The same goes with the names of months, the names of weekdays, etc. On other occasions, ...
  • USB_Enc.zip ... the retrieved domain name is to be matched--is currently hard coded. Hence the hard coded name has to be change before compiling the user mode program The .lib file which has been provided in \DD\DD folder is checked built using Win XP DDK as of now.
  • SDS_Function.rar ... found in other CAD systems. SDS provides hooks into IntelliCAD, allowing you to create custom applications. SDS communicates with the user and IntelliCAD via LISP (akin to the way that ADS works with AutoLISP® and other CAD systems). However, SDS ...
  • LaserControl.zip ... is in a specified hotspot and then does the equivalent of pressing a specified keyboard key. thus controlling Media Portal through it s hot keys. the hotspots can be set by the user as well as the actions taken. Make your wall into a remote controll.
  • HDK110L.zip This example use some code (main() function for DOS, or WinMain for Windows) to call common demo() function, which perform drawing on screen (DOS) or on DC (Windows). Windows demo wait until user click mouse button.