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  • 80-24897-1.rar qualcomm Real-Time Executive(REX) user guide 高通REX操作系统手册
  • NDK1.94-doc.rar TI ndk-1_94_0_0 用户使用手册和参考手册Network Developer s Kit (NDK) Software User s Guide.pdf and Network Developer s Kit (NDK) Software Programmer s Reference Guide.pdf
  • sample02.zip The fileio example demonstrates using the Win32 File I/O API to directly create and write to a file on a remote share. The application doesn t have a user interface. It uses a Visual Basic message box to indicate program status to users.
  • aspcalendar_v1.zip This End-User License Agreement ("EULA") is a legal agreement between you and Manohar Kamath for ASP Calendar software version 1 (揝 ...
  • umdhtools.rar 微软发布的跟踪内存溢出的工具集UMDH (user-mode dump heap 的缩写).
  • user.rar 嵌入式系统开发MP3一般用户所需的操作函数 很好的代码.
  • TMS320_DSP_BIOS_User_Guide.rar TMS320 DSP_BIOS User‘s Guide
  • orangehrm-2.3-alpha.14.1917.zip ... : System is modular case design, This document to extract php environment, we can directly access, need to establish a database mysql database called orangeHRM, and the establishment of a user. Then directly on the visit http://localhost/orangehrm ok!
  • Linux_boot_faster.zip This research project evaluates startup times of the linux boot process from power-on until user login. Time consuming parts of the boot process are investigated and methods how to speed up the whole process are discussed.
  • opiam.zip OPIAM stands for Open Identity and Access Management. This Suite will provide modules for user & right centralized management: user profile management, ldap content consultation, access control based on RBAC & provisioning policies, and Web SSO.