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  • BOOKDETAILS.rar vb form and code to view bookdetails
  • frmtopperlist.rar vb form to view toppers (class wise )using mhflexgrid &adodc controls
  • MemoryArchitecture.rar ... found on a typical 80x86 computer system. Many programmers tend to view memory as this big nebulous block of storage that holds ... reasonable view. However, from a performance point of view there are many different kinds of memory and using the wrong one ...
  • cg_1.zip Modelling transformation,view point variation lighting and material change using opengl
  • bezier.tar.gz bezier using opengl. for panorma view
  • QuickSimple_MFC.rar 一个简单的Document-View模式的MFC介绍
  • GoCarts3D.zip Have fun carting in 3D view....engoy!!
  • ArtOfJavaWebDevelopment.pdf.gz ... APIs in Java but haven t yet mastered the best way to apply them. It is perfect for developers who have heard terms like Model- View-Controller and Model 2, but weren t present for the series of events that led to the widespread adoption of these best ...
  • SoftwareEngineeringIn42Lessons.rar Software engineering is an engineering approach for software development. We can alternatively view it as a systematic collection of past experience. The experience is arranged in the form of methodologies and guidelines. A small program can be written ...
  • NavicatforMySQLv822.rar ... 3.21 or above, and supports most of the latest MySQL features including Trigger, Stored Procedure, Function, Event, View, and Manage User, etc. Features in Navicat are sophisticated enough to provide professional developers for all their specific ...