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  • 2009PatentSYSTEMFOR3DOBJECTRECOGNITION.zip ... to the camera coordinate system. In one typical application, the 3D pose is used to make a robot pick up the object. A view-based approach is presented that does not show the drawbacks of previous methods because it is robust to image noise, object ...
  • thomas-cvpr06.zip ... class detection proposed by Leibe and Schiele with the multi-view specific object recognition system of Ferrari et al. ... interconnected by so-called activation links, obtained through multi-view region tracks across different training views of individual ...
  • GLMaps.zip opengles version of googlemaps integrated with other sensors and 3d view.
  • grushcontrols.rar Set of controls with very cool view, working fast.KOL.
  • dllexp.rar a Tool to view Dll, easy to use...^_^
  • Triangle_view.zip Matlab code to view the image of a triangle under different views given the coordinates and color of its vertices. Colors inside triangle are found by interpolation
  • source.zip Tree view的个项设置和调用封装, 实现与Tree view 的完美结合
  • QLandkarteGT.zip a Raster Map &GPS solution. This is a raster map tool chain to view map sets stored as GeoTiff on a PC as well as on a portable device such as ... 案,以及將追蹤與定點資料到Garmin GPS接收器的工具。View and upload map files, track and waypoint data to your Garmin GPS receiver.
  • LabVIEWrS232SendCmd.rar LAB View Send Command via RS-232
  • view.rar 看圖程式,,一個簡易的看圖程式,方便大量圖片的閱覽