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  • WinImagev850.rar ... preserves the original structure. With WinImage in place, you can recreate the disk image on the hard drive or other media, view its content, extract image-based files, add new files and directories, change the format, and defragment the image. All this ...
  • snake_OOP.zip ... amount of lives is 3. When lives counter is 0 we detect game over situation. This is a simple example of using model view controller interface. There is no complex decoration of the game (score viewer, lives viewer and so on), no users and statistics. ...
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  • Huffman__T1620927282003.zip ... available with the program.The program can generate codes for the symbols entered as well as display the tree for them. An included illustrative example explains this process.View the included HTML file for Algorithm,Program and the Example.
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  • iav07-surf.zip ... benefit from stable and repeatable salient features that are invariant to a variety of effects like rotation, scale changes, view point changes, noise, or change in illumination conditions. Recently, two promising new approaches, SIFT and SURF, have ...