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  • matlab实现卷积编码与viterbi译码 ... 10; %SNR范围 N = 1000000; %消息比特个数 M = 2; %BPSK调制 L = 7; %约束长度 tre1 = poly2trellis(L,[171 133]); %卷积码的生成多项式 tblen = 6*L; %Viterbi译码器回溯深度 msg = randi([0,1],1,N); %消息比特序列 msg1 = convenc(msg,tre1); %卷积编码 x1 = pskmod(msg1,M); %BPSK调制 for ii=1:length(EbN0) ii ...
  • 基于Xilinx FPGA的高速Viterbi回溯译码器 摘 要:分析了新一代通信系统的发展对Viterbi译码器速率提出了更高的要求,通过优化 ... 译码器结构,在XilinxVirtexIIPFGA上实现了速率30Mb/s以上的256状态Viterbi软译码。关键词:Viterbi;回溯译码;FPGA;双端口BlockRam  新一代移动通信系统目前主要采用多 ... 速率能达到30Mb/s以上。约束长度卷积码以及Viterbi译码器由于其性能和实现的优点,在新一代通信系统中仍然占有一席之地。这就要求进一步提高Viterbi译码器的译码速率,同时优化Viterbi设计以减少由 ...
  • Viterbi Estimation on the Finite-State Markov Ultra-violet Chann... Viterbi Estimation on the Finite-State Markov Ultra-violet Channels
  • 基于Gb / s并行块的Viterbi解码器,用于GPU上的卷积代码 在本文中,我们在图形处理单元(GPU).platform上提出了基于并行块的Viterbi解码器(PBVD),用于卷积码的解码。 简化了解码过程并使之 ...
  • 列表式的 Viterbi 译码算法 Matlab实现-附件资源 列表式的 Viterbi 译码算法 Matlab实现-附件资源
  • 列表式的 Viterbi 译码算法 Matlab实现-附件资源 列表式的 Viterbi 译码算法 Matlab实现-附件资源
  • Algorithm-Viterbi ... as POD and extensive in-code comments, see those for information on the usage of the module. Bugs, feedback, whatever can be sent to the author on arnsholt@gmail.com, or on the project's GitHub pages: http://github.com/arnsholt/Algorithm-Viterbi
  • penn-parser-cyk-viterbi ... .02-21.training -cyk ``` Quick start to parse and run Viterbi on a file of sentences: ```bash $ python run.py - ... as a string * `viterbi_parse`, return the parse generated by Viterbi probabilities Written for Elements of Language Processing and Learning ...
  • Viterbi-Tagger ... Python implementation of a hidden markov model that uses the viterbi algorithm. icvtag.py is a toy example that runs on ... tagging/ic* data. These datasets correspond with Jason Eisner's viterbi spreadsheet, found here: http://www.cs.jhu.edu/~jason/papers ...
  • viterbi ... core modification Follow next short HOW-TO for replace GNURadio-core Viterbi lib If you are interesting to use gr-fec packakage ... will need to modify and reinstall gnuradio-core with new viterbi.c, viterbi.h sources. 1) cd to gnuradio/gnuradio-core 2) ...