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  • CBAEnv.zip matlab prog for beam analysis using fem and its graph with shear force and bending moment daigram and with its color graph....at breakage pt...
  • GrabBitmaps.rar Improved DirectShow sample code - GrabBitmaps sample. This console app will open a long AVI file in the parent directory,create a filter graph with a sample grabber filter, read frames out of it every second for a few seconds, and write the frames to BMP ...
  • MLP_sin.zip MLP graph input-output mapping with inputs x and outputs y generated by the following nonlinear,
  • Mathuwave.rar Plot the Mathieu Beam and its phase and a cut in the graph. Put all archives in a same folder and run mthuwave file.
  • project-code.zip generating a graph in ns2 using xgraph
  • FHararyGraphTheory.zip F.Harary Graph Theory 离散数学图论英文资料
  • transrreflecN.rar Does the graph of the reflectance and transmittance for the number N layers of the unidimensional photonic crystal. Reference: Fundamentals of Photonics-SecondEdition
  • transReflTheta.rar Once chosen the angle of incidence, does the graph of the transmittance as a function of frequency.
  • Bragggratt.rar Given the refractive index of the external network (semi-infinite Bragg) and the frequency in units of frequency Bragg, is the graph of the transmittance as a function of incident angle. Fundamentals of Photonics-Second Edition
  • main.rar manchester code in matlab , graph of individual character