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  • OQPSK-Demodulator-projekt.zip OQPSK Demodulation Project in Matlab. OQPSK means offset quadrature phase shift keying. an important modulation scheme in IEEE 802.15.4
  • Digitally.modulated.RF.systems-harris.rar a very good tutorial about digital modulation from Harris
  • Tutorial5.rar a very good tutorial in describing digital modulation especially the contallation diagram
  • Selectionmodulationforsatcom.rar why ssb modulation is better for satellite comn
  • bpsk.rar bpsk modulation in matlab
  • mfsk.rar mfsk modulation in matlab
  • demodulation.rar This is a matlab file for constellation of an 8psk modulation
  • digital_moddemod.rar these files perform digital modulation and demodulation, and provide scatter plots
  • pwm_12.rar this program performs the pulse width modulation of two signals, one sine wave and the other the triangular wave
  • ppm_3.rar this program performs pulse position modulation of two sequences: the sine wave and the triangular wave