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  • 2.1: 基本权限和归属 、 附加权限 、 ACL策略管理.docx 2.1: 基本权限和归属 、 附加权限 、 ACL策略管理.docx
  • 4.3: OSPF 、 传输层 、 ACL.docx 4.3: OSPF 、 传输层 、 ACL.docx
  • acl Access Control List plugin ACL --------------- ACL is actually two parts. It consists of a controller and action based access control system, where users have roles, and roles have permissions, which are a controller and a comma delimited set of actions. ...
  • catalyst-actionrole-acl ... Moose; use namespace::autoclean; BEGIN { extends 'Catalyst::Controller' } sub foo :Local :Does(ACL) :RequiresRole(admin) :ACLDetachTo(denied) { my ($self, $c) = @_; ... } sub denied : ...
  • ACL ACL for Kohana (based on Zend_ACL) - works great with my A1 & A2 modules for Authentication & Authorization
  • kohana_router-acl a router based ACL system for Kohana 2.x, very simple but great for protecting admin areas #Router-ACL This module will simply check the current route before the controller is loaded and if an array of 'allowed_roles' is defined in the route definition ...
  • acl-base A base application that includes user registration and ACL's for authorization CakePHP is a rapid development framework for PHP which uses commonly known design patterns like Active Record, Association Data Mapping, Front Controller and MVC. Our primary ...
  • Acl-Work ... #CONTENT DU TEXTE % Texte parfum :-) * Introduction - Abstract - Conclusion % Définitions et explication sur le sujet * Les ACL * Le modèle traditionnelle * le Algorithme * Heritage - Explication sur les ACL masque % Les ACL en travaille * Noyaux * ...
  • acl ... README __________________________________ Package home: http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/acl See the file doc/INSTALL for build, installation and post- install configuration steps. Refer to the acl(5) manual page for general access control list ...