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  • kohana-acl ... Module for Ko3, Auth, and ORM # ACL ACL module based on [Zend\Permissions\Acl](https://github.com/zendframework/zf2/tree/master/library/Zend/Permissions/Acl) for Kohana 3.3 Depends on [Heroine](https://github.com/synapsestudios/heroine) service locator
  • cakephp-acl-help-plugin to help cakephp acl CakePHP ACL help plugin access http://(yoursite)/admin/access/
  • spree-acl Access Control List (ACL) and Blacklisting for Spree = Acl Description goes here
  • acl-zmq ... ) Common Lisp and supports a consless mode for polling queues. acl-zmq has been implemented and tested with Allegro CL 8.2 ... be integer length issues with 32 bit platforms. Like cl-zmq, acl-zmq is distributed under the [LLGPL](http://opensource.franz.com/ ...
  • ACL-Anthology-Codebase Script and code for running the older version of the ACL Anthology This repository houses the software for running the ACL Anthology maintenance scripts. anthoBibs2bib.pl - AnthoXML2AcmCSV.rb - To convert Anthology XML to ACM CSV for reporting ...
  • Cakephp-ACL-Tutorial Cakephp ACL Tutorial
  • acl Python ACL implementation. Simple ACL implementation. License ======= Copyright (c) 2010 Marc Brinkmann Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to ...
  • Cisco-ACL-syntax-highlighting-rules ... This syntax highlighting script can be used for files which contain Cisco ACL rules. This is particulary usefull for Cisco ACL framework administration. (e.g. keeping ACLs in cvs, editing them and loading to Cisco boxes automatically) This ...
  • acl-zmq ... pipe is used because fds are the easiest way to hook into ACL's thread-blocking and notification system.) Some calls don't have to ... The code uses POSIX semaphores as well. [1]: https://github.com/hanshuebner/acl-zmq [2]: http://repo.or.cz/w/cl-zmq.git/
  • acl ACL module for vendo e-commerce framework