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  • UartBand.zip MCS51、Microchip、AVR、ATmega等单片机波特率计算器,是嵌入式开发人士的好帮手
  • usartshuangjitongxun.rar 利用USART实现ATMEGA M16的双机通迅。有Proteus仿真。只是让初学者理解usart与学习usart的寄存器。用的是CVAVR的编译器,有详细的注释。当然是C语言的。绝对原创。仿真与实物不一样,两机的联系,与主从机的设置等这里没有体现。因为本人也不会,现在才学到usart。供初学者学习。
  • adc.zip ADC program Analog o/p of joystick connected to i/p of ADC ports of ATMega 128 .Depending on the movement of joystick , contrast of the LEDs connected to port C will change.
  • masterslave.zip Communicating between master ATmega and slave ATmega using SPI protocol.
  • Servo.rar Controlling Servo Motor with Atmega 32
  • ServoPotentiometer.rar Controlling Servo with potentiometer ( Atmega 32 )
  • Lock.ZIP Lock Atmega 16 LCD Nokia 3310
  • USBHID.rar 使用Atmega 8 及PDIUSBD12开发的USB转CDC及HID的源代码
  • atmega16.rar altium protel DXP 2004 sample of PCB of AVR atmega 16 Drives and pcb design
  • Servocode_AVR.zip Servo control for the Atmega 128 AVR controller