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  • AVR303_.zip Hello ! This is Atmega spi driver source. Thank you!
  • AVRBootLoaderV12.rar Atmega系列单片机 BootLoader程序
  • my_idea.rar uart 0f ATMEGA 32 .basic tx rx.
  • lcd_library_c.rar LCD library function in c for atmega 32.
  • Dimmer_m32.rar This is Temperature PID regulator for Tamman ovens. Temperature is measured by thermocouple via lm358 - > Atmega s ADC and regulated over triac. All data is sent via RS232 connection on PC and controlled by LabView.
  • ADC.rar Analog to digital converter with c language (using Atmega 16)
  • LM75.rar ATMEGA 128L 单片机实现对温度传感器LM75的控制,实现对温度的控制。
  • USBASP.zip the AVR assembly usb asp programming for ATMEGA . this is usefull for any hobbiest to building a programmer for AVRs .
  • fboot21.zip 供AVR的ATiny及ATmega系列单片机使用的bootloader
  • Key5x5AVR.rar Using Keypad matrix 5x5 on ATMEGA 8535