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  • ovadd.rar overlap addition for input sequence long
  • AES.ZIP AES implementation in C++. Input: key file and the file for encryption Output: the crypted file.
  • CodHuffman.zip Implementation for the Huffman Cod in Visual C++. Both, the encoder and the decoder take as input a file and write the output into another file.
  • Lempel-Ziv.zip Implementation for Lempel-Ziv code. Encoder and decoder are separated. The input is a file and the output is written in another file.
  • lexer.rar 编译原理课程设计中,编写的一个简单的词法分析器,基本可以实现要求。内涵有输入文件,input.txt
  • calculator.rar 一个不带界面的计算器,用户只需要在文本文件input.txt中输入计算表达式,即可通过运行程序得到结果,输出在output.txt中; 支持加减乘除,取余数,乘方,括号等等; 如:5+4 = 输出9 5+4*4+9/3 = 输出24 (5+4)*4+9/3 = 输出39 (50+4)*(40 3)+288/(147-3) = 输出56 (50+4)^2*(40 3)+288/(147-3) = 输出2918
  • HelpDeskPro10101.rar ... them with the controls required by them, to save time the application generates reports, which are dynamic as well, taking input from admin and generating results.As for the user account management, the user him/herself can edit their account and ...
  • gui_antminer1.2.1.rar ... has a friendly graphical user interface, makes possible the use of ant populations within the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) concept, data input file is standardized with the well-known Weka system, and runs on virtually any operating system since it is ...
  • KBDLogger.rar 一个键盘记录器。用的是Raw Input的相关方法,基本上原始的键盘输入都能够读出来。
  • SwfUploadDemo.rar SWFUpload是一个客户端文件上传工具,最初由Vinterwebb.se开发,它通过整合Flash与JavaScript技术为WEB开发者提供了一个具有丰富功能继而超越传统<input type="file" />标签的文件上传模式。 SWFUpload的主要特点 * 可以同时上传多个文件; * 类似AJAX的无刷新上传; * 可以显示上 ...