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  • huanqiulvxing.rar ... ,表示旅行的最小距离的公里数。 结果保留3位小数。 Sample Input 2 30 0 300 0 150 45 150 -45 Sample Output 10000.000 10000.000
  • Smart_Antenna_LMS_2Sig_White_Gain_in_multipath_en Smart Antenna system receiving three white input multipath signals from two sources (3 each) and distinguishing each multipath.
  • synchronisation.zip This circuit is a nice edge detector that gives you synchronous notification of edges on your input signal. There s no excuse for not doing this it s a tiny circuit in just five lines of Verilog.
  • ch5soft.rar These codes require an ASCII input file called input.dat of the following form: Lower Limit on x Upper Limit on x Final Time Pressure for x<0 when t=0 Density for x<0 when t=0 Speed for x<0 when t=0 Pressure for x>0 when t=0 ...
  • Curves_to_Blocks.rar Use the on-board potentiometer to simulate an analog input,this input converted into a meaningful digital value in a microcontroller register, and use a group of LED to display this value.
  • readtext.zip ... The output is in the form of a modified "hex dump" that may be compared directly to the actual contents of the input files. All characters read are retained in the output, including any line terminators and other special characters. The program doesn t " ...
  • CodePointIM.zip input method tool using java
  • postfix1.rar A small program for demonstrating the Postfix notation, you can input the postfix equation in the command window
  • CompilerDesign.rar This is a prototype for the Compiler design basic steps written in java. A tokenizer to get the tokens from the Input code.
  • Maze.rar 迷宫(8个方向)求解,INPUT.TXT OUTPUT.TXT