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  • dam.zip Dam input text demonstration
  • iw.zip Input Box Webservices
  • AFsp-v8r2.tar.gz elvaluation of raw audio file input:reference audio ,test audio output;ODG
  • PICRoboconCode.rar C source code for PIC microcontroller to controll input/output of PIC Robocon board. Read IR Sensor LCD control Button DC motor
  • ProgrammerReference.rar This guide reviews the rules and syntax of the principle commands that comprise C and its object-oriented cousin, C++. The reference consists of 19 chapters that define operators and the standard input/output, string, character, and more.
  • a.rar Bioreactor System for simulation in the world.input is acetat.this simulation from Automatic Laboratory grenoble france
  • cifafenciqi.rar 用c++手工编程实现才c-语法分析器,能够读取存储在input.txt中的c-源程序,并将其刺法分析的结果即Token序列输出到out.txt中,以便检查此法分析的正确性
  • start.rar Form for input data? store it in a file and run other script.
  • atmega_lcd_tempe.zip The HIH-3610 Series humidity sensor is designed specifically for high volume OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) users. Direct input to a controller or other device is made possible by this sensor’s linear voltage output. With a typical current draw ...
  • hamming.rar The following code takes input as k bits of message and then gives the possible codewords that could be put into channel inorder to transmit it.Thereafter, it asks the user to introduce an error in any of its bits and then at the receiver ...