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  • stoplight.rar VHDL code for a 4 state stop light with police control input
  • createBlur.rar Create blur images with an input clear image and an input kernel image
  • Viterbi.rar viterby algotitm with soft input . a good simulation in mathlab
  • sudoku.rar 采用启发式搜索算法,能解任意合法的数独(由input.txt文件输入),还能自动生成唯一解的数独初局
  • ARoadMapThroughNachos.rar ... system software Nachos provides a skeletal operating system that sup ports threads userlevel processes virtual memory and interruptdriven input output devices Nachos is a complex piece of software and it is dicult for beginning students and ...
  • io.rar Tackling the Awkward Squad:monadic input/output,concurrency, exceptions, and foreign-language calls inHaskel
  • AEScalc.zip AES Block Cipher Calculator. Given key and input string, encrypts to AES standards. Java source code.
  • readprecipfile.rar readprecipfile is a function which will take an input data file measured in inches and convert each element of the file into centimeters. It will return the converted elements in the form of an array.
  • sat_vap_press.rar Calculates the saturation pressure of water based on input of Celcius Temperature. Vapor pressure is calculated with units of pascals.
  • adv_palindrome.rar input character will be added with minimum characters to make it palindrome