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  • zoom_in_out.rar Used for pciture zoom in/zoom out in touch screen. In this example, only 5 frames touch cooredinates data are given as input, but in real time demo, a buffer with 5 frames can be set.
  • pitchwatch.zip function pitchwatch(x,Ts) Plot the pitch keys. pitchwatch(x,[Ts]) :: Syntax The array x is the input signal and Ts is the (optional) sampling period. Example on use: [x,Fs] = wavread( Hum.wav ) pitchwatch(x, ...
  • GUI_FILTER.zip ... ,hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local function named CALLBACK in GUI_FILTER.M with the given input arguments. GUI_FILTER( Property , Value ,...) creates a new GUI_FILTER or raises the existing singleton*. Starting ...
  • inputBuffer.rar about simulation input buffer
  • mrizip.zip The file alignImages.m contains the entry function alignImages(.....) The input images should be in grayscale and converted to double type. For futher help please refer to the documentation within the code files.
  • lcr.rar LCR calculates Level Crossing Rate, that is a number of crossings (in the positive direction) of an input vector through a given threshold vector.
  • Decimal_to_binary.rar This MIPS program gets an input of a decimal number and converts it to its binary equivalent.
  • Addition_multiplication.rar This MIPS program performs addition and multiplication operations for any two input numbers with fraction, via differentiating left and right hand sides and performing the specified operation.
  • DSWavDest.rar The DirectShow WavDes filter writes an audio stream to a WAV file. It takes a single audio stream as input, and its output pin must be connected to the File Writer filter. This sample filter is based on the CTransformFilter class.
  • htoi.c.zip This is the program to convert Hexa Decimal input to Decimal value... ie, Base-16 Number to Base-10 Number..