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  • Coding_Hardware_Windows.rar Programming of hardware resources in Windows by means of functions BIOS, ports of input-output and program interface Win32 API is considered. Access and management methods are described by all basic devices of the modern personal computer: the mouse, the ...
  • Assignment_2.zip concordance functions Obtain Statistic Information of each word in the input file.
  • divide_by_3.zip This module divides the input clock frequency by 3.
  • 2004818105518701.rar ... 接脚资料: Pin Signal Description Port 1:VDD Power Input. Logic supply voltage range VDD to GND : 2.7 to 3.3 V 2:SCLK Serial clock. Input for the clock signal: 0.0 to 4.0 Mbits/s. 3:SDIN Serial data. Input for the data line. 4:D/C Mode Select. To ...
  • mmse_eq.rar Here we design the minimum mean-squared error (MMSE) equalizer coefficients {q[k]}assuming that the input symbols {a[n]} and the noise { ˜ w[k]} are white random sequencesthat are uncorrelated with each other.
  • MalariaDiagnosis.zip The malaria diagnosis application provides probability of a patient having malaria and some other closely related illnesses (by symptoms) after input of various observable symptoms.
  • gsghgse.rar 多约数问题 正整数x 的约数是能整除x 的正整数。正整数x 的约数个数记为div(x)。例如,1,2,5,10 都是正整数10 的约数,且div(10)=4。设a 和b 是2 个正整数,a≤b,找出a 和b之间约数个数最多的数x。 编程任务:对于给定的2 个正整数a≤b,编程计算a 和b 之间约数个数最多的数。 Input 输入数据的第1 行有2 个正整数a和b。 Output
  • yueshu.rar 最多约数问题 正整数x 的约数是能整除x 的正整数。正整数x 的约数个数记为div(x)。例如,1,2,5,10 都是正整数10 的约数,且div(10)=4。设a 和b 是2 个正整数,a≤b,找出a 和b之间约数个数最多的数x。 编程任务:对于给定的2 个正整数a≤b,编程计算a 和b 之间约数个数最多的数。 Input 输入数据的第1 行有2 个正整数a和b。 Output
  • mscomm.rar ... than using many of the other ActiveX controls because of the variant data type that must be used with the Output and Input accessors. The ColeVariant class must be used with the character strings that are sent to the serial port or read from the ...
  • gencode.zip File input Generation