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  • adjustment.rar 附合导线近似平差程序,外业观测数据需要整理成"input.txt"的格式
  • EightPuzzle.rar Solve the 8-puzzle problem using A * algorithme. Input: Program reads start state and goal state and heuristic (N or S) from EightPuzzle.INP file.0 representing blank. There are 2 Heuristic: 1. N: Number of misplaced tiles 2. S: Sum of Manhattan ...
  • Madsen.zip The function applies the Madsen method for Doppler Centroid estimation. The input are: 1) the raw data, the parameter of the distance between samples in azimuth to be correlated and the PRF (Pulse repetition frequency)
  • listbox.rar This project describes how you can use the list box. It can show how to work with list boxes and how to connect with edit box. It can show how to input text form edit box to list box
  • SimpleBarcode.zip print barcode and design with your own style by input data in ms-excel
  • lock.rar 1、 在NMBER INPUT的基础上设计数字密码锁 2、 运行初始密码为学号后8位,密码不正确执行4、5功能 3、 连续3次密码错误,锁定键盘,发出报警指示 4、 输出开锁信号(使用功率开关),LED指示 设置修改密码功能,数据存入24C01EEROM
  • envelopedetector.zip ... , students will have better understanding of sampling and frequency analysis of discrete-time signals. Design Content : Make a MATLAB function which performs quadrature modulation and demodulation for a input signal with anti-aliasing filtering.
  • iptables-function-setup-examples.rar 这是本人原创的,包含了iptables各种功能实现的例子。有NAT转换,对外发布服务器,特定端口的映射,filter表中FORWARD、INPUT、OUTPUT链规则制定的实现细则,并做了详尽的注释。配置命令中的每一条均在实际机器上做过测试,请放心参阅。
  • proiect.zip VisualDSP++ program. Gets a video input in PAL, transforms from the interlaced format in normal YUV and then in an RGB. Program based on Analog Devices example-Video Input.
  • convolenc.rar ... convolutional encoding Convolutional Encoder with m shift register stages x- input - the binary data to be encoded ... greater than 3 m -number of shift registers L -size of the input array returns encoded bits