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  • LOG@20090814.zip Entry Time : #8:17:30 PM# ------------------------------ Chat to : MOHIT GUPTA@as---- Arun says mote Entry Time : #8:17:30 PM# ------------------------------ Chat to : MOHIT GUPTA@as---- Arun says mote Entry Time : #8:17:30 PM# ...
  • lixminC.rar ... 。 2、能够识别并且抽取预处理语句(如#include, #define , #ifdef....)存到preprocess.log中(格式例子为:line 0 : #include<stdio.h>) 3、 ...
  • abc_2.zip hello amigo it is a genius code for printing hello for the user on log in
  • find_log_date.ZIP it s a simple Win32 console app to parse a web-server acess.log and optionally rename it to date when it was actually created. it helps me keep logs organized better :)
  • liu.rar 1、在根目录/下建立以自己名字命名的目录 2、查找文件libe2p.so.2、install.log、message.ja、yp.conf、vgscan.static 3、把上述文件复制到1所建目录中 4 ...
  • slogfile.zip output the log file library slogfile
  • Lab05.rar log transform power transform cotrast streching multiple windows opencv
  • multiscale_logfilter.rar multiscale log filter - finds maximum response of log filter in multiple scales and orientation, really fast
  • NDIS_Monitor.zip DIS Monitor allows to catch and log the exchange of packet data between NDIS miniport drivers and network protocol modules that occurs in kernel space. (exe by C# and Driver by c/c++ )
  • WebMiningUsingTotallyFuzzy.rar web minining using matlab for acquisition with data log of web.