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  • FileSystemMonitor.zip ... applications can do dynamic monitoring of any specified directory. Once changes have occurred and are detected, the spy application can run various tasks ( run antivirus, log activity, determine more information about changes, call other tasks etc).
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  • fragistics-src_1.5.1.rar Fragistics是一个程序Quake3统计数字工具。它可以生成含有大约从Quake3:竞技游戏服务器所产生的games.log扮演的游戏统计几个网页。
  • spp_dev_a_debug.rar Bluelab3.6.2 在原有spp_dev_a(device master)例子加上了用SPP接收和发送数据功能,内置debug log。打开有message 输出信息 要定义DEBUG_ENABLED即可。可以移植其他项目中
  • spp_dev_b_debug.rar Bluelab3.6.2 在原有spp_dev_b(device slave)例子加上了用SPP接收和发送数据功能,内置debug log(spp_dev_b_Log.TXT)。打开有message 输出信息 要定义DEBUG_ENABLED即可。可以移植其他项目中
  • hotkeys.rar ... panel applets or frequently used programs). - Send keystrokes to other applications. - Minimize all Windows, Exit Windows, log off Windows or reboot your computer. - Quickly access some of Hotkeys internal functions like the Hotkey ...
  • log_DPMS.zip This is Log of Video DPMS driver Regestry entry to check if DPMS driver is installed or not
  • AutologonSource.zip ... to enter their name and password, Windows uses the credentials you enter with Autologon, which are encrypted in the Registry, to log on the specified user automatically. Autologon is easy enough to use. Just run autolog.exe, fill in the dialog, and ...
  • transient_model_description__2_.rar Transient CFD modeling of wood log combustion to predict the emission rates
  • ping.rar 此ping程序,是把在dos运行的程序移植到windows,本程序的地址栏为IP或域名输入 ,频率栏为时间间隔,单位为秒,点击开始后,程序便以频率为间隔,不断的ping,直至点击停止,所ping的信息会保存在程序所在的路径下的record.log文件下,本程序小有功能,还不完善,如有高人,还请指教。