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  • xLogWnd2[1].9.9.811.zip generate log file etc. tool. source
  • Expresschengxu.rar 函数程序中支持的函数有:sin,cos,tan,asin,acos,atan,exp,log,sign,pow
  • logandmorphology.rar 利用VC++编程实现的图像处理程序,可以实现log边缘检测,形态学处理、滤波等功能
  • NTEventLogWriter_HowTo.zip NT Event Log Writer - how to write event into Widnows event log using this tool
  • cpp_tracer.rar ... <timings.h> void foo() { TRACE_LIFETIME usleep(100000) } void main() { foo() } *************************************************** See lifetimes.log: FUNC: void foo(), AV TTL: 00000xxxxx us (main.cpp, 000xxx) TTL: 00000xxxxx us ( ...
  • mCommonAPIFunc.rar Visual Basic Module with almost 5000 lines of bullet-proof encapsulated API for high level use, with logging, Error Treatment and other features (Works with the mCommonAPIDecl.bas module and the log component)
  • LOG.rar 一个很好的日常开支记录工具,可以多人分别记录,进行月统计。尤其适合家庭开支记录用。
  • Imageanalysis.rar 图像分析 边缘检测 微分算子 Log算子 Canny 算子 四叉树分解 四叉树分解 四叉树 MATLAB 函数
  • Chap14.zip ... general-purpose techniques, and I’ll describe them in this chapter. In the chapter’s first section, I’ll explain how to log errors for eventual viewing by a system administrator. In addition, I’ll provide instructions about how to create your own system ...
  • EBJava-1.0.0.tgz.gz ... Java (EBJava) is a messaging system written in Java. It consists of an applet and a server, and it can be used to log in to existing messaging services, such as AIM or ICQ, through a unified interface. User settings are also stored on the server, ...