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  • Moveit:在Pomodoro上使用Move.itéum的应用程序,然后再在foca aliado com alguns上使用... 莫维特 在Pomodoro上使用Move.itéum的应用程序,然后再在foca aliado com alguns ...
  • move-on:Rocketseat在NextLevelWeek 4开发的move.it应用程序的克隆(基于Pomodorus技... 继续 Rocketseat在NextLevelWeek 4开发的move.it应用程序的克隆(基于Pomodorus技术的应用程序) 查看应用 入门 使用git clone git@github.com:Laerthe-Souza/move-on.git克隆此git clone git@github.com:Laerthe-Souza/move-on.git 将自己移至以下目录cd lifehero 运行yarn安装所有依赖项 运行yarn dev在http:// ...
  • move-it:Move.it锻炼和伸展的番茄 Move.it是一个平台,可用来增强人们在通过体育锻炼/伸展运动花大量时间在计算机上时应该获得的照顾 :clipboard: 概括 •••••••• ... 开始之前,您需要在计算机上安装以下工具 运行项目 克隆此存储库 $ git clone https://github.com/vsilvadev/move-it.git 在终端/ cmd中访问项目文件夹 $ cd move-it 安装依赖项 $ yarn 运行应用程序 $ yarn dev 查看正在运行的应用程序 该应用程序将从以下端口启动:3000 ...
  • move.it ... 程序的技术: :laptop_computer: 入门 要求 克隆项目并访问文件夹 $ git clone https://github.com/sonnymarinho/move.it.git && cd move.it 请按照以下步骤 # Install the dependencies $ yarn # Start the client $ yarn dev 现在,您可以从浏览器访问 。 : ...
  • radiant-copy-move ... the 'Add child' button. With this extension you can copy or move a page (and all of its children). == Requirements You need the ... cd vendor/extensions git clone git://github.com/pilu/radiant-copy-move.git copy_move 1.a FOR RADIANT VERSION < 0.6.7 ...
  • move-wiki ... migration tasks # GitHub wiki migration or backup I needed to move all wiki pages between two repos. ## Tasks * pull_wiki - ... Install git clone git://github.com/darwin/move-wiki.git cd move-wiki git submodule init git submodule update ...
  • move MOVE Organizational Virtual Environment = MOVE Organizational Virtual Environment MOVE is a tool for social networking. It supports users and groups, with invitations. It can manage the following contents: articles, images, audios, links, documents and ...
  • 3-move ... by LambdaMOO. - The command parser is entirely written in MOVE. - Control over listening-sockets and connected-sockets is ... - A simple line editor subroutine is provided, implemented in MOVE. ## Source code layout There are three directories here: ...
  • move-and Move point and perform some other action
  • move A lightweight MVP web framework. Die, controllers, forever. *Move* ====== A mini web framework focusing on conciseness and speed. ... some objects in a particular state, you should be able to move them *to* a particular state, and have that reflected in the ...