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  • making-things-move JavaScript port of Foundation Actionscript 3.0 Animation: Making Things Move! book by Keith Peters. JavaScript port of [Foundation Actionscript 3.0 Animation: Making Things Move!](http://www.friendsofed.com/book.html?isbn=1590597915) by Keith Peters.
  • gforge-mass-move-tracker-items iMacros script to automatically mass move a list of GForge tracker items to a new tracker Solved problem -------------- There is ... a new tracker which is cloned from the template. Then you can move your tracker items from the old tracker to the new one. ...
  • move-tabs ... move the tabs into firefox Define your own shortcuts to move the tabs into firefox Overview -------- Since Firefox 3.5, ... Defaults shortcuts are: - **Ctrl Shift** + **PageUp** or **PageDown** to move along the tab bar. - **Ctrl Shift** + **Home** or ** ...
  • move ... web browsers to powering complex offline systems. A simple Move program which prints "Hello John" three times: hello ... , baz: 4, names=[], age) {...`. - **Variables** are implicitly declared -- Move will automatically declare (i.e. "create and attach ...
  • script.move.tv.shows Add-On script to move converted TV Shows
  • jquery.event.move ... ({ left: e.startX + e.deltaX }); }).bind('moveend', function() { // move is complete! }); (`.enableMove()` is a performance optimisation that ... s special event system does the work of enabling move events so using jQuery there is no need ...
  • fast-move Minimalistic ncurses file system viewer fm (Fast Move: minimalistic ncurses file system viewer) ========================================================= Small, simple and efficient file system viewer for the console. It offers fast navigation, easy ...
  • knight-move-on-phone-keypad ... 5 6 7 8 9 0 A knight can move in L shape. For instance, starting at 1, ... are always 2 possible positions a knight can move to from any position other than 5. 5 ... visited. Also starting at 5 a knight cannot move to any other position. As a result, there ...
  • Horizontal-Move Source code of the Horizontal Move jQuery Plugin
  • vim-move-between-tabs ... -tabs This plugin is for moving the current window between tabs. * To move the buffer from the current window to a window in the previous tab, call `MoveToPrevTab` or use the mapping `tP`. * To move to the next tab, use `MoveToNextTab` or `tN`. * To ...