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  • image-processing-by foreighners.rar image processing including fourier,wavelet,segmentation etc.
  • Slice2.rar sclice segmentation algorithm which is the second one programmed by Coo.
  • pyramid_segmentation.zip Pyramid Segmentation
  • 车牌定位、分割、识别论文二十五篇.rar 车牌定位、分割、识别论文二十五篇
  • 图像分割及运动检测.rar 对图像分割及运动检测
  • 汉语分词统计.rar 分词,针对汉语的分词,根据统计来实现的,可以直接使用目录即可,里面针对联合早报进行的测试,分次统计中可以包括任意目录(系统能承受得了就行),这是帮一个同学做的作业:)用asp。net + xml
  • gvf_v5.zip Matlab code for the implementation of the snake(active contour). Very useful in the image segmentation.
  • 分割-阈值.rar 实现分割的原理方法,ppt版本,希望能对你有帮助
  • col.rar 一个什么都能做的语音处理软件,Manual segmentation of speech waveforms - creates label files which can be used to train speech recognition systems Waveform editing - cutting, copying or pasting speech segments Formant analysis - displays formant tracks of F1, F2 and ...