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  • segEEtest.rar my_seg_for_post_filtering_it is used for segmentation
  • Medoidshift.zip ... 。 MedoidShift is a unsupervised clustering algorithm(similar to k-means algorithm, but can be used in border application fields), can be used for image segmentation. Included is the Matlab implementation source code.
  • lawmask.rar ... the Co-occurrence matrices and the Energy filters (Laws filters). They are well-known texture descriptors, fast and easy to implement and provide good results that could be used in a posterior step to perform image segmentation and object recognition.
  • cvpr07_detcode1.0.zip Object Detection Combining Recognition and Segmentation, Eighth Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), 2007 源代码
  • KMEANS_clustering.rar 用matlab写的kmeans segmentation算法实现
  • effcientGraphBasedImageSegmentation.rar An important article about Graph-based image segmentation,very useful for those who reseach in this field
  • Graph-basedImageSegmentation.rar A good material about Graph-based image segmentation,hope it is useful for those who need it
  • Image_Seg.rar 由詹寶珠教授所編輯的Image Segmentation課程講義,內容包含各式影像切割的原理及演算法,適合學生快速了解影像切割的方法及概念。
  • SegmentationofOverlappingChromosomeImagesUsingComp 染色体分割算法的经典文献,关键词:Image segmentation, chromosome analysis,overlapping chromosomes, computational geometry
  • MatlabSolutionOfLicensePlateSegmentationInLPR.rar LPR中车牌分割的Matlab解决方案,湖南师范大学。M tlab Solution of License Plate Segmentation in LPR