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  • GCoptimization_1.3.zip Graph-cut implementation is used for combinatorial optimization, which is a fast and robust means to achieve stereo matching, image restoration, segmentation.
  • MRF.rar Supervised Image Segmentation Using Markov Random Fields
  • 192168291092007531155683305865.rar Image Watershed Segmentation图像边缘提取
  • Eye_tracking.zip Simple face and eye detection MATLAB Release: R13 You can use this codes for face detection based on color segmentation and eye region detection.
  • Snakes_Active_Contour_models_Image_Process_GVF.rar ... object tracking using the previous contour.pdf [7]Volumetric Segmentation of Brain Images Using Parallel Genetic AlgorithmsI.pdf [8]Segmentation in echocardiographic sequences using shape-based snake model.pdf [9]Active Contours Without Edges.pdf ...
  • segmentation.rar 关于分割,提取的程序,可以直接运行的。 用过就知道了
  • ffmpeg-cvs-20060306-certified-with-motion-3.2.5.ta Theba is a plugin-based image analysis framework for doing segmentation and measurements of 3D volumes. Theba comes with a GUI that allows inspection and manipulation of the 3d volume and implementations for segmentation and a wide range of plugins.
  • edison_src.rar 边缘检测和图像分割代码-Code for the Edge Detection and Image Segmentation system
  • EdgeDetectionandSegmentation.rar implement the edge detection and segmentation using matlab.Welcome to download.
  • Eye_tracking.rar Summary: Simple face and eye detection MATLAB Release: R13 Description: You can use this codes for face detection based on color segmentation and eye region detection.