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  • kmeans-image-segmentation.rar 一个可以用的源码 希望有用 真麻烦 该死的 不是
  • ChSeg.rar Chinese segmentation in C
  • CLIP.rar image view and segmentation by hand
  • segmentation.zip this algorithm can be proceeding well ,you can have a try,good luck
  • Multiphase.rar Multiphase segmentation of deformation using logarithmic priors (2007)
  • Optical_Character_Recognition.zip ... in a digital image) corresponding to alphanumeric or other characters. The process of OCR involves several steps including segmentation, feature extraction, and classification. This program use Image Processing Toolbox to get it. For more information, ...
  • VCandMATLAB.rar ... transform and statistics signal frequency domain characteristics.using cepstrum transform and cepstrum distance with the background noise,the paper achieved the speech segmentation algorithm.Analysis and Implementation of Speech Endpoint Detection
  • regionbased_seg_demo.zip This code implements the well-known Chan-Vese segmentation algorithm from the paper "Active Contours Without Edges." ... this site for experiments, videos, and more information on segmentation, active contours, and level sets: [ http://www.shawnlankton. ...
  • testimages.zip Automatic Image Segmentation using 2D Multistage Entropy
  • image-segmentation-mean-shift.zip 使用mean shift方式增强图像对比度的一个小演示(开发平台:matlab7.0)