Go To English Version 超过100万源码资源,1000万源码文件免费下载
  • cellwatermark.rar 一个细胞自动机及相应的vote和smooth函数,一个细胞自动机及相应的vote和smooth函数,一个检测DCT水印的函数,还有很多M文件,很有用的,欢迎下载哦。。。
  • graphics_pipeline.zip ... consisted of hundreds to thousands of triangles. We wanted to apply interpolated shading on the objects, so that they appeared more smooth and realisitc, and to have a camera that orbitted around the object, which allowed us to look arond the object ...
  • 6019111324820083302355475989886.rar 一套图像处理的简单实现,包括灰度,边缘检测,直方图显示,smooth等算法
  • sdmenu.zip Demo menu flash smooth
  • nonrigid_version16.zip Registration of two 2D/3D images, rigid and with smooth b-spline grid.
  • Cg01_SmoothShading.rar 使用VC编写的opengl的smooth shader效果图
  • Smooth.rar 折线光滑处理,比如提取的等值线不光滑,影响实验结果,既可以利用此程序作光滑处理
  • CppEssentials.rar C++ refrence covers : Arrays, Pointers, and References , Functions , Statements , Classes , Overloading , and Derived Classes in smooth nice way .
  • SMOOTH.rar 基于MFC VC++ 用opengl的方法做出来的一个关于着色模式的代码
  • Burgers.zip Fortran,Discontinuous Galerkin method for smooth solution of Burgers equation