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  • ImageProcess.rar 下代码实现了几个简单的图像处理,主要包括:平滑(Smooth)、开操作(Open)、闭操作(Close)、膨胀(dilate)、腐蚀(Erode)、图像梯度(Gradient)、顶帽(TopHat)、黑帽(BlackHat)等。
  • InteractiveDerivative.zip Interactive smoothing for your own data, with sliders to control derivative order, smooth width, and scale expansion.
  • HARTLEY.ZIP The frequency domain plays an important role in image processing to smooth, enhance, and detect edges of images. Although image data typically does not include imaginary values, the fast Fourier transform (FFT) has been used for obtaining spectra. In ...
  • brown_cloud_packaged.zip 褐云游戏,基于HGE开发的游戏,控制“风之王”鼠标+键盘或XBOX360控制器,吸吮了五颜六色的云彩由不同级别的气氛(您必须变焦之间) ,吐痰他们在最高级别,然后吹起来成一个大型的褐云,这将消失,而国王snoozes 。 Features an online leaderboard and smooth, fancy graphics.配备了领先的在线和顺利,我尝试过的图形。
  • Smooth.rar 领域平均滤波与中值滤波,Matlab6.5实现的.m文件,附有原图、椒盐噪声图、高斯噪声图和处理过的图的效果比较。
  • DynamicCamera.rar Opengl Dynamic smooth camera, uses windows specific functions
  • smooth_curve.zip produce smooth parameter for audio signal synthesis
  • Pyramidal_directional_filter_banks_and_curvelets. ... scheme combines directional fi lter banks with the Laplacian pyramid to provides a sparse representation for two- dimensional piecewise smooth signals resembling images. The underlying expansion is a frame and can be designed to be a tight frame. ...
  • contourlet_modeling.rar ... of basis images oriented at various directions in multiple scales, with fl exible aspect ratios. Given this rich set of basis images, the contourlet transform effectively captures smooth contours that are the dominant feature in natural images.
  • data.rar Smooth Linear filter Median filter Laplacian Unsharp masking Sobel filter