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  • KernelBasedObjectTracking.zip ... -based target representations are regularized by spatial masking with an isotropic kernel. The masking induces spatially-smooth similarity functions suitable for gradient-based optimization, hence, the target localization problem can be formulated using ...
  • Smooth.rar 用Java Application实现对图像平滑处理,减少噪声
  • smcc.rar SMCC(smooth multicast congestion control)多速率组播拥塞控制
  • EasyKrig3.0.zip ... for linear data. Notes: Use only for precise data, as the fitted curve passes through the given points exactly. This routine is useful for plotting a pleasingly smooth curve through a few given points for purposes of plotting.
  • trismooth.tar.zip 2 functions to smooth noisy triangular meshes: Mean face normal filtering, Laplace flow filtering
  • Smooth.rar 采用VC++编程,对图像进行处理,图像的平滑处理
  • BlitzzEngine_rev.88.zip ... functions. The engine aims for gameplay similar to Quake and classic 2D platformers for the PC. The movement will be smooth and inertia-based (although non-inertia movement will be possible), and the system will provide most everything necessary for ...
  • Smooth.rar 平滑处理:对图像进行平滑处理,滤除噪声的影响。
  • smooth.rar 图像的平滑滤波。通过平滑线性滤波器和中值滤波两种方法对噪声污染的图像进行净化。
  • smooth.rar 图像平滑与去噪,包括均值滤波,中值滤波,灰度形态学滤波,高斯低通滤波,统计滤波等