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  • steadystatecontroller.rar Programming assignment using steady state heater control with two computer IP interaction (host and server)
  • jtag_tutorial.zip ... interface, allowing:  access to caches and data bus (DRAM) with a bandwidth of about 200kbit/s  examining the processor state whatever the execution mode (monice)  connecting to monice using mdi-server and using a gdb client on the processor to step ...
  • fsm_vhdl.rar very useful for the whom uses finite state machine and it is used for speech
  • Mealy.rar Finit state machine souce code
  • numerical_analysis_homework.rar ... 问题,刚性问题(如大系数的VDP方程)用通常的方法如ODE45来求解,效率会很低,用ODE15S等,则效率会高多了.而通常的非刚性问题,用ODE45来求解会有很好的效果.从阶次来看可以分为高阶微分方程和一阶常微分方程,高阶的微分方程一般可以化为状态空间(STATE SPACE)的低阶微分方程来求解.从微分方程的性态看来,主要是微分方程式一阶导系数大的时候,步长应该选得响应的小些.或者如果问题的性态不是太好估计的话,用较小的步长是比较好的,此外的话Adams多步法在小步长的时候效率比R-K(RUNGE- ...
  • 5StateMachineMotorVHDL.rar State Machine of Motor implemented in VHDL.
  • poptang.rar 模拟盛大公司的经典游戏,逼真实现其大部分功能。支持大物体、动画物体,支持小龟、猫头鹰、飞碟等坐骑,支持草丛、帐篷、冰窟等掩体物,支持各种主要道具,支持小区、沙漠和冰川三种地形,支持基本模式和复活大战模式。纯面向对象开发,灵活使用继承、多态特性,应用Singleton、Prototype、State等设计模式。
  • SmcSrc_5_1_0.gz SMC takes a state machine stored in a .sm file and generates a State pattern in twelve programming languages. Includes: default transitions, transition args, transition guards, push/pop transitions and Entry/Exit actions. See User Manual for more info.
  • SDFSDF.rar ... as the application of Wed nowadays. This text studied a method of project which composed of characteristic page and dynamic state of technical customer according to the data connection rule, compared with some projects that adopt already on present nets, ...
  • cavity.rar this program solves the steady-state navier-stokes eqn in 2d for the flow in a driven cavity problem. the function solved for is the streamfunction. the velocity may be obtained by differentiating the streamfunction.